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LING CHEN's picture

new photog work with a new model...

hi, everyone, this is my first post here. As you can see in my title, I'm a new photog and this is my third-time shoot a model (she is also new to the modeling industry.)
Critiques welcomed! Let me know where I did wrong, what do you like or dislike in the pictures.
Thank you all!

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You're off to a great start! I especially like the third from the last one

Thank you!

Nice! Hard to believe this is your third time shooting a model. I'm particularly drawn to photos 1 and 9, and also 2 and 3. One/nine shows how an overexposed background draws focus to the model, and two/three has a serene environment and killer eye contact. Photo 4 appears the weakest because the model's legs are awkwardly posed. The non-retouched editing style compliments the whole set. You should be proud.

Thank you! Yes, this is my third time. I bought my camera this March, then I practice shooting my daughter. Only recently, I started shooting models. I do have a lot to learn. Thank you for your kind comment! Really help me with my confidence!


thank you!

I'm no portraitist, but I like a good photo! I think these images have a fresh, natural style, and suggest a synergy between you & the model (maybe you actually LIKE each other!)

I tend to agree with Charles. To my tastes the first stands out because of her direct yet ambiguous, is-it-challenging-or-is-it-friendly? gaze. And the monochrome suits it - not sure why, perhaps because it emphasises the contrast between her dark hair and pale delicate skin, and the play of light on her bone structure.

The somewhat similar second-last image is runner-up.

Great job, Annie!

Thank you! She's very talented and beautiful. I do like shooting with her :)!

Nice portraits. Keep shooting. You're doing great.

Thank you!