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Trevor Lowe's picture

New (to me) Editing Technique

Hey all.. I switched over to trying a very high contrast B&W editing style. CC welcome.

These images are of @ameliajeanneh. Canon 5D MKii, 50mm @F4, and the closeup is 105mm@F4 under profoto lights with a 36" octa.

Many thanks to Renimagines (Randy Nicholson) for facilitating these shots.

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Beautiful soft and excellent use of the negative space.

Nice photos. Agree about the use of negative space. My only (minor) criticism is that I feel the last two images could have done with slightly more light on the lower face of the model. I appreciate that this may not fit with your intended high contrast goal but just a little more fill would have enhanced them for me personally.

I think the 3rd image is the best as far as contrast. The first two, especially the first one, the bright is too bright and there's no detail in her lower face.