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Garret Buckley's picture

Two different looks for an aspiring model

Hey friends!
Here are two different looks of the same model that we did to update her portfolio.

First one is lit with an ad200 in a 24x24 softbox camera right.
Second is lit ad200 bare bulb from just behind her camera left, and then a reflector held camera right.
Let me know what you think of these two shots and how they could be improved!
if this was a final submission, I would scrub out the railing.
Would these be viable in the world of fashion?

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I like the overall vibe and think you're on the right track, but for the 2nd image I think you've overexposed the background too much and may need to up the shutter speed as you have what appears to be some unwanted motion blur on the model's elbow.

Hi there! I think overall your photos look good. I don't mind the railing so much (have you seen how many fashion images lately are taken in places with junky backgrounds and somehow they still look good??). The thing I notice right away is the model's awkward hands. In the first image it would have been better if she just let that right hand rest draped over her knee like her left; as it is, it's turned at an awkward angle with the palm facing the camera and competing with her face. Another thing is the knot in her shirt.... it's in kind of a strange place, and causing the t-shirt to bunch in a way that almost makes it look like it's her breasts hanging down.

In the second image, I really like the exposure and location, but again that right hand is just kind of weird and sitting in mid-air for no reason. If her arm was hanging down to the side it would be a fantastic shot.

I would call these portraits rather than fashion images however, since they're about the model and her face rather than showcasing the clothing that she's wearing. For a model's portfolio, that's exactly what she needs, in addition to images that showcase her shape and height and what clothing would look like on her. If you do another shoot with her, I'd suggest a makeup artist to play up her features more. In these shots her no-makeup makeup (or not?) makes her a bit washed out, especially her fantastic lips.

Hope this helps!

I've never thought that you want to keep hands with palms facing away! thank you for that info, I'll keep that in mind going forward.