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Tyler Schwab's picture


So, I uploaded these photos that I took for my daughters “best friends” session and they were voted as “snapshots”. Just looking for some feedback. Do these honestly look like snapshots? If so, what would you have done differently? Thanks in advance!

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These are clearly not snapshots, this community hates on stuff all the time. If you upload to a contest, expect a dramatically lower score than normal. Looking at your profile, seems like this is just 1 person voting them that way as well. I wouldn't sweat it at all.

Only feedback I would have is it looks like you're using a single off camera flash and maybe a kicker or hair light would help pop them a bit more, but they're good shots.

A lot of people just vote subject matter as well and maybe they don't like photos of kids. There are some very highly rated bad-to-mediocre photos on this site that just feature an attractive model (likely with very few clothes on).

Listen to people's feedback if they sound like they have a clue, but super don't sweat the number. Your portfolio looks great.

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something here. I was kinda thrown off. Lol.

Yeah honestly the community here is pretty harsh sometimes. Unless you're all pro nothing seems to be good enough unfortunately

Thanks Richard.

New here. And not by any means a full pro-photographer yet, but just to assure you that these do not look like snapshots to me.. The only thing I would say is maybe some post processing, but truth is; that's preference...

Thank you Sharon. There was definitely post processing done. I generally only post process enough to get the images to stand out. I try not to push too far.

Definitely not snapshots, people are just being haters. The two girls look great and I can tell a lot of work went into making these photos. The only thing I would do differently is perhaps balance the ambient light and the flash a bit more, so that the backgrounds aren't quite so dark - but that's just personal preference. I know some people like that brighter flash / darker background look.

Thanks sennia. I generally do like the darker background look. Every once in a while I switch it up depending on what I’m going for.

Not snapshots by any sense of the word, I really like them all! Don't let the community get to you, sometimes it's just overly harsh about the littlest of things

I appreciate that. I was just kinda thrown off. I put quite a bit of work into it and was thinking maybe something was way off.

Great images (definitely not snapshots), only comment is the flash might be a bit too punchy on the 3rd image, the other shots look more natural to me.

I can see that. I really appreciate the feedback.

beautiful work, someday mine will be this good

Thank you Timothy.

I think possibly what folks (folk?) are "hating on" may simply be the obvious fact that these are just a couple of teen girls horsing around. They aren't pro models. There wasn't (I doubt) a hairstylist and makeup artist at the shoot. But... they're very nice. I do agree with the comment that you would get some better separation with some kind of hair light or kicker.
Good job.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree about the hair light. Unfortunately I was by myself. I was just doing a shoot for my daughter and her best friend. It’s just kind of annoying that if you don’t have a whole team working on a flawless shoot, people look at you like you’re a trash photographer. I put a ton of time in learning and trying to progress. I’m 100% self taught. I’ve never even been to a workshop or anything. Just lots of reading and YouTube. Lol.