Hey guys!
I've been in the website a couple of years but never been so active.
I Just wanted to show you a couple of pictures that I've taken along the road and see what you think, any critiques? Feedback?
Using only natural light on each one of these portraits, soft skin and color retouching :)
Great shots! Real nice work! My only feedback is maybe that you've overbrightened the whites of the eyes in some. (I am guilty of this too, even when I think I'm being a bit subtle).
Thanks Matthew!! I normally just desaturate the white of the eyes, maybe that's why they can look a bit weird :)
I've been trying to find the right balance myself. The right "white.... balance....."? I'll see myself out.... ;)
I love the shot, my niggle is the distracting sand top right, a smooth background would stop me being drawn to it. In terms of what is right, I have decided, like a doctor, I am a practicing photographer which means I am allowed to get things wrong and continue learning. It's a lot less stressful :o)
And I just saw the others, the last shot is my favourite- the double take on the subject and reflection is very clever.
Thanks Mike!