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Barbara MacFerrin's picture

Forbidden Fruit

This was sort of a modern take of Snow White. Edited in RAW and Photoshop. Two light setup.

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Beautiful image, Barbara, and quite powerful - almost poignant - despite the simple subject matter, which could so easily have looked totally clichéd. Your soft sombre tonings work really well. It's got a very painterly quality. The composition is just-so. Great job all round. Well done.

Appreciate the feedback!

I love the lighting and feel the colouring of clothing, fruit, background and dark hair of the model combine into a fine image.

Thank you!

Lovely work!! I had to look at the image for a while to figure out what the dark thing was on the background behind her and then I figured out that it's the rest of a round chair that she's sitting in? It's a beautiful shot.



Thank you!

The focus in this image is exquisitely done! Just perfect! The lighting couldn't be better. There's plenty of detail in both the highlights and the lowlights due to the perfect exposure and lighting. This shot is really well done. Bravo Zulu!!!
