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Val Provost's picture


Hi Everyone! I hope everyone is well and safe during these crazy times. I finally have some time to post to community groups and ask for some feedback! I am a pro photographer working on the outskirts of Montreal, Canada. I shot this portrait of Carlyan, a musician and mental health advocate before Covid-19 hit. What do you'all think. Thanks!

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I like the processing and the connection. Some hair at the top left looks a bit crunchy, it could be grays, but unless you zoom way in it almost looks like he has some dandruff there? With guys you can get away with less processing but I'd still prefer to see the highlight on his forehead have a slightly smoother transition to the shadow. That's just nitpicking though. Lovely work.

Love your eye for detail, Sennia! You always point out things I'd miss.

I'm no portraitist, Val, but it looks like a fine portrait to me. Sennia's pithy observation about the "connection" is spot on. That, and Carlyan's thoughtful expression makes the image one that could stand the test of time, I think. The low key approach suits him.