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Krasimir Todorov's picture

Experimenting with backlit portraits

Had to work with some harsh light around noon, so a backlit protrait seemed like the right choise. I dont do this often, but am pretty happy with the result. Let me know what you guys think!

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Good work. But i suppose this construction first stand upon the model head and secondly cut head. I think a model should be a bit higher as for construction in backdrop. And color space range as for sky should be processing. Retouch too much as if merged from two layers. Face not corresponding street. From the left the flowers in perspective need to be showing more. Camera set-up a bit to the left side. And I suppose a girl is not a pro model because she hide her right hand and atere right in the lenses. A little turn of her eyes to the left to increase the flower perspective would be wonderful. Only my opinion. Great shot.

Love it. Great how her hair is highlighted and nice expression.

I would have never guessed this was a noon shot. Pretty good retouching on her face.

What I see and would have done differently:

1. Her arm. Never lock the arms. Sometimes, a lot of times, they just look awkward like they are bending/faced the other way.

2. Yeah, show the other hand/arm someway.

3. Brighten her dress. It looks flat. A lot of attention has gone to her face and then arm and hair, but, you'd need to match the brightness to the clothing also. If her face is bright, it would only make sense her clothes be bright.

4. Crop slightly the bottom left. There’s only a small piece of the leg which look odd. Just crop it. When you do that, might need to crop some of the headroom.

5. Fix the CA/Fringing on the background trees.

6. Fix the hair/flyways on the dress. At a glance, they look like long hairs coming from her arm.

Thank you all, I appreciate the comments. I do need to work on my composition in camera, which I believe is the cause of most my mistakes.