Hey y'all. Been doing more portrait experimentation of late and wanted your opinions specifically on the composition of the pictured image. My intent was to produce a shot that was intimate while still providing some context for the environment (which is composited).
I love the crop, maybe a bit more light?
Thanks very much for the vote of confidence on the crop, Timothy. The exposure I’m struggling with because the shot looks super bright on mobile / tablet displays but is a little dim on my monitors. Split the difference on a repost and appreciate the extra insight regarding this.
I like the crop as well. On my laptop and monitor and histogram it is underexposed. It looks like a grey veil over her face. Rules of photography suggest, your eyes are drawn to the bright object in the picture, which to me is the face. In the local adjustment I raised the image by 1.5 stops, painted in only the face/hat at 100 percent, I painted the shirt and the goggle with 60 percent opacity. I think that looks better but I am new at this so take my advice with a grain of salt.