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user 65983's picture

Retouching/editing software for Celeron CPUs

I am looking for a editing software that will run on a Celeron CPU. Yes I know,you may ask 'A Celeron CPU? What year is this?.' Well let me give you some more details. I am from California but I am currently living in South America. I went to Cali this past month to do some work and I was just barely able to afford a laptop that has a Celeron CPU and 2GBs of RAM. Quite the joke right? Well walking into Bestbuy I was astounded at the current costs of laptops. Models with Intel i3 CPUs were running at $500, $600 and up. I was completely shocked. Those are about the same prices as like 10 years ago. Oh well, I spent all my money on Photography gear and yet I needed to also by some sort of laptop. I picked up a sweet lil deal on a new Lenovo ultrabook that yes, unfortunately, has a Celeron CPU and 2GB of RAM. The good thing is that it only cost me $170. :D

Going back on topic, I need to be able to find some sort of editing software like Lightroom that can be run on my laptop. Maybe an older version of PS or Lightroom. Or maybe someone has an idea for me. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS. This is my first post so please let me know if it needs to be moved to a different group.

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