I need ideas on how to keep my handwritten metadata connected to a role of film when I send it to a lab to be processed. I hope to do this without using a frame.
Any ideas for the new guy?
I need ideas on how to keep my handwritten metadata connected to a role of film when I send it to a lab to be processed. I hope to do this without using a frame.
Any ideas for the new guy?
Most processing companies use a dual "bag tag" system, in other words, they take 2 "chemical proof" metallic tags with the same series of numbers and stick one to the film leader and one to a bag (or some other paper with your name on it). Take a sharpie and number your rolls of film 1, 2, ... When you take the film in to be processed (or mail it away) ask if they can take your sharpie number and record it with the sticker number (e.g., your number 1=the lab's 12345), then when you get the final back ask them which of your numbers equates to there's. Record your metadata either in writing or on an app (I just started using Analog for this purpose), but then also record what "sharpie" number you gave each roll. When you get the negs back with the tags and the legend from the lab, you should be able to correlate your metadata to each roll/frame.