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Ian Masterson's picture

Some Help Identifying Hawk

Was able to take a few images of this hawk that landed on our roof last week, then flew into a tree in our backyard - internet search showed it was a goshawk - can anyone with experience confirm or comment on images? Thanks in advance.

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Great looking bird and nice photo 2. My guess is a juvenile version of the Northern Goshawk. Standing by for a more definitive answer.

Thanks for you help

I can't help, for the most part, all hawks look like redials to me. This link could help you though.


thank you for into on the whatbird forum

Have you tried the Merlin App? I don't know anything about birds, but I use it all the time. It has a photo ID feature that seems really accurate. You can also input the date and location and it will tell you all the birds likely to be around.

Thanks for the info on the merlin app - I will download that

I sent the images to a friend who has hawks, + 30 year member of the Indiana Falconers Association, he said it is a juvenile Red Tail - red tail does not appear for two years.