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Mark Rowe's picture

Atlantic Puffin Portrait

Hello all, hope you're keeping safe and well! It's been a while since I visited the Fstoppers website, so thought I would start by sharing a recent image of the Atlantic puffin. Just my take on these wonderful sea birds. Also, thought I would take the opportunity to ask if anyone would recommend or know of anyone selling a Sony 400GM f/2.8 lens? I'm looking to invest in one and will buy new if necessary but would prefer to buy used for obvious cost reasons. Many thanks :-)

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Beautiful. How much did you pay him to pose for you? Just curious how did you arrive at this composition.

Ha! He was paid with fish… ;-)

I had this idea in mind before I went to take the shots. I’ve always liked the idea of people/wildlife pretty much anything looking into or partly into a light source. Puffins always seem to have a sad face so when I started editing this it felt like this was the right shot to do it with. Whenever I see this shot I always imagine the Puffin looking into the light as if it’s going to be a better day than the last - just my view on it lol
Thanks for the comment :-)

Really nice picture and well done in post-production.
Unfortunately I haven't got the 400mm f/2.8, just the 300mm f/2.8, but if I had it, I think I wouldn't sell it.

Thank you :-)