Hello there!
Living in a large family, new apps are a daily occurrence. Recently, one family member told me about VSCO, which is "social media for artsy pictures" as she called it. I Like the idea of photo based platforms, and instagram has been HUGE for me recently.
My question is this: could VSCO become the next large social media platform, or is it a passing fad? Would it be worth it to try it out, or would it just be a temporary improvement and a long term waste of time? Could this be the opportunity to get a Jumpstart on a potentially game changing platform? Or is it just another lousy alternative?
I don't think it's new.
So in that case, is it just a thing running through my area right now?
As my iPhone has iOS 7 and VSCO can only be installed on iOS 9 I think it's a joke.
That's interesting, really weird too.
Yeah really weird. I lost my phone in a taxi so my brother gave me an old iPhone....iPhone 4 I think. For some reason iOS 7 is the latest update I can get and some app devs only let their apps be installed on iOS 9 for some weird reason.
Vsco is an interesting platform. I would say vsco is to Instagram as Vimeo is to YouTube. Instagram will alway be Larger. But vsco does some editorial spot lights of photographers that are pretty cool. I think vsco has alway has better filters then Instagram. But at the same time I'm not a fan of over using any filters. But like the first commenter said its not new so you won't be getting a jump start on anything. It's a current trend not an up and coming trend.
Guess it's just small then, thanks
Its actually a decent size community. But compared to instagram it is small.
Worth it or not?
In my opinion all the changes they've made over the last 6 months are not doing them any favors. I use VSCO (the app) from time to time, and sometimes use their products in my workflow. I just don't see them sustaining as a business unless they get acquired, but unless they really innovate (ie: come up with something better than DSCO) they aren't that appetizing to someone like Facebook.
That said, I wish them the best. Everyone I've met who works for them is awesome, and they have one of my photos on display in their HQ so that's cool.