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AC Wong's picture

Kourtny In the Vineyard

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated... I am normally do landscapes but now i have been challenging myself this year to do portraits.

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Nice shots, and great light. I'm wondering if they may be better if you have been lower. You seem to be shooting down at her a bit.

Thank you. Also, thanks for the advice. She was definitely shorter than i am in general. Do you mean lower as in eye level with her or lower than that?

I think it's one you need to test around a bit. I think around eye level would be good, (taking into account background considerations.) Basically, shooting down will make the person more diminutive, and shooting up at them will make a more heroic look. I don't think there's ever really one correct answer though.

Great shots and I love the idea with the vineyard, and you definitely had the right idea shooting this backlit. However, if you use a fairly large reflector (~60in, about $50 on amazon), you'll find that your subject will be exposed far better and you'll still retain that rim lighting around her body

For me the challenge would be holding it and shooting. I guess you can get a stand to hold the reflector i presume?

I love vineyards in the spring and also the mustard. This location was probably one of the few locations that the winery would let you go out into the vineyard to shoot.

Yes, you can buy some simple light stands and boom arms. They also sell clips that you can mount onto the stand to hold the reflector, but I've found that those clips aren't good for much else.

Alternatively, you can go more economical and buy some spring clamps at your local hardware store. I would actually recommend this as they come in all shapes and sizes and you can use them for a lot of different photography applications (clamping backdrops to poles, gels to speedlites, etc).

Third option, you could invite a friend or someone who wants to learn photography to come and assist you and just have him hold the reflector for you. Probably the best option unless you want to get into a speedlite/softbox setup. Much more cost effective to buy the reflector.

I think you found a really great spot with the mustard in the vineyard here. But once you're able to get the front of your model exposed properly, you'll see what an enormous difference it will make. You have a beautiful model, but right now, she's kind of drowned out by the bright yellow of the flowers behind her. If you can make her pop more, it would be perfect.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNUX3O6?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_... This should suit your needs.

I agree with the previous comments, a little light on her face would have helped. Very nice.