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Mike Moore's picture

Dallas Performance/ADV.1 Wheels Lamborghini Huracan

This is a Lamborghini Huracan I shot for Dallas Performance and ADV.1 Wheels

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Thanks for the feedback. On occasion, I do get to drive the car, but this was not one of those times. For this car, I got a "Hey can you be here in an hour" phone calls. Honestly, that happens a lot in Automotive Photography. (It happens a lot to me anyway, I can't speak for others) Because of this, I have to use a location that I know is close and I can use in a crunch. This spot can go either way. I see what you mean with this car, but with a brightly colored car, it works better.

Both clients were really happy. I was happy too honestly, I think they came out well. The bottom photo is used on the newest Dallas Performance tshirts, and the entire set has been used by them and ADV.1 Wheels for Social Media advertising.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

Very nice car and very nice shots. I kinda agree with Jerry and think that the background is a bit busy with all the vertical lines and similar colors, but I think the intent is well received.

Thanks! I see what you guys are saying about the background. I never really noticed before. I think it's because the car is white. Other cars I've shot there that are not white stood out better.

I, too, did not notice until you both pointed it out.

Hi Mike! Cool pictures and nice concept. (My favorite is the last shot.)

To add a little on top of the other's feedback -- I don't think the background is too profound, but that the vehicle just kind of blends into the background color wise on the first two shots. Perhaps if the concrete was a bit darker it would the eye go straight to the vehicle.

Also, you may consider taking the license plate off for the next shoot.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree, the issue is probably the white and black car with a white and black background. It just blends together.

I'm actually going to make a Mike M Photos plate I can put over the actual plate with a magnet so I don't have to mess with the car.

Great idea. Easy!