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Laith Stevens's picture

First Attempt DP Head Shot

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2,3 and 4 are your best IMO here. You nail a character and personality here. The first one def needs more light in her face. The others i love the expressions, great shots, but mayb not the best. Like i said 2,3, and 4 are done really well

Christian Lampe - Thanks so much for the feedback it is much appreciated, it really helps I find to try and get the opinion of others as I get a bit too wrapped up in things. Again really appreciated mate, thanks.

I like #3 , yellow background is distracting , too strong in light. just fine if convert into black and white.

Thanks for the feedback mate, I was going for a Dylan Patrick Style head shot so trying to get some color in the background. But it is a little distracting. Thanks for your input.