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David Evans's picture

Headshots in home studio

These are a few headshots i took at my home studio. My wife got a few of her friends together to give me some practice.

I would appreciate some critique (constructive please)

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Good start but all of them aren't quite there. They all have dark eyes, looks like the light was coming from almost underneath them? How did you light this? My biggest problem is the lighting looking muddy and dark in areas that should be lit. The second one looks like it was shot with a wider lens which looks kind of funky. It looks goofy cause the face is round from the wide lens. I like the expressions on the first and second but keep working on the lighting and get a bit further back and zoom in more.

I'm not an expert, but I'll offer you the input I can based on my limited experience:

I agree with Tom on several things – the eyes are too dark. On the first image, the hair light on her is really nice, but maybe you could be a bit more consistent with respect to how the background is lit. The shadows are distracting. I think if you're going to shoot in a studio, the background should be as simple as possible (unless of course that's what you're going for). I think you pretty much nailed the background on the second shot. The expressions in the first two shots are great, but I would pay a bit more attention to hair, especially in the second shot where her right eye is completely covered up. Of all the technical facets of an image, you really have to nail the eyes. It'll also save you a lot of time in post if you remind your models to bring a brush with them. The third image seems a tad underexposed on her face, and her expression isn't quite there. She has that face we all get when we first get in front of a camera.

Hope this helps.