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Derek Brawdy's picture

Jumping into the pool....

Hi. I'm a recent addition to the group and decided to jump into the conversation. I typically shoot subjects against both infinite white and black, but lately have been gravitating to the darker, more dramatic images and playing with the lighting to add shape the the subjects features. Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated.

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There's a bit too much of highlights for me both on the face and on the suite.
Instead of showing the arm pitch of the suite I'd much prefered to have the scalp completely.
The pose is a bit too much tilted.
I'd taken a more 45 degree angle of the corpse vs. the head.

Thanks Bernd, If I reshot this I think I would square his shoulders up just a bit more and probably use a bit of anti-shine to reduce the skin reflections. Those are both good suggestions for improvement. I like the crop though, I'm more interested in his expression than the top of his head, but I understand that not everyone shares that perspective.