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Alexey klyuchnik's picture


Hi everybody! I shot this photo with settings: Av 5.0, Tv 1/20, ISO 200, AF on face, lens 50 mm, Canon 600D. But I want to shoot better, I mean more depth of field on the face. Please give me any advice or question!

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This isn’t really a headshot. It’s more portrait. Even for portrait she very far away. The plants seem to be the focal point(s). I would zoom in and crop her on the thirds. Also it’s hard to tell how well focused it is on my phone and low resolution but it seems very soft. You should shoot at a higher shutter speed (Tv). Unless your lens has an image stabilizer, as a rule of thumb, you should have your shutter speed to equal the highest focal length of your lens. I’m assuming your lens is a 50 prime (not a zoom). Your shutter speed should not go below 1/50. Otherwise it will start to pick up hand shakes and not be properly focused. Good luck on your photography adventure.

First thing that i notice that you are to fat from your subject. Move in some. Now you should be able to judge the light falling on her face. Maybe have someone position a white reflector to maybe wrap tge light around her face. That can possible add some depth.

Hi Alexey.
If it's a portrait or headshot you are after, then take a second to consider how much of the frame she is taking up. In this case, about 5-8%. What this does is to create competition for our eyes. Lovely lady VS everything else. ...she loses!

Suggest you try a couple of things....
1. Move closer to your key subject, so there's NO MISTAKING what the photo is about
2. Simplify your background by either having less IN IT, or get rid of the details by blurring it. You can do this by increasing your focal length to 85-135mm,and/or dropping the AV to 3.2 to 4.
Keep shooting Alex and show us your progress. :-)