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Michael B. Stuart's picture

Why I'm not a good at PODS

I used to be a member of the #leadinglinemonday team on Google+. It was one of the more popular themes and as many as 4 of us would try and make sure we visited and commented on every post shared to the theme every Monday. While I really enjoyed it for a while, I started to get burned out when I found myself commenting on sub par photos of power lines and whatnot.

That is my problem with PODS. I want to like & comment on a shot because I LIKE it and think it is DESERVING of a comment.
Agreeing to do so in advance seems disingenuous to me.

My other problem is simply that I'm not taking a bunch of photos right now. I don't feel right pinging people to go see something old or tired if they have already seen it.

All that being said, I think a loose relaxed POD of like minded photographers can work well.
I like landscape, abstract, and sometimes architecture. 1 out of every 3 posts of mine is black & white because I'm doing the column thing.
If you'd like to get a laid back, minimal rules POD going let's do it! If not that's cool too ;) after all, I will probably forget I posted this once the weekend hits!

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completely agree with you - im currently trying to cut back on the number of photos i finalize/post so its only my best work. if you're starting one up, would love to join

black and white landscape photography: instagram.com/iamcodyschultz

I'd be happy to join.

So, basically, you want ig friends? :) That is a real "pod" to me. There are a few people I have connected with on ig that I enjoy interacting with regularly. I mostly look for real engagement and what they are trying to accomplish with their feed. If the two are sincere, I am ready to support them.

Exactly George!