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Mikkel Beiter's picture

Misty Beach / CC

Hi guys

I'm looking for some CC / Feedback on my recent long exposure photo from this Saturday.

Thanks! :-)

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Hi Mikkel,

I would have loved to have seen those wooden posts used more as leading lines out into the water. A nice low camera angle would show off the detail in those rocks wonderfully, with the wooden posts leading the eye off into the murky distance.

The processing looks fantastic. I think you hit the contrast and black levels perfectly for my taste. Great work!

Interesting! I didn't think of that. Thanks! I couldn't really move from the position though, those waves from the sea was quite big and heavy :-)

But thanks for the feedback Bob!

Basically what Bob said!


A foreground object would have been useful to add depth to the image.

I love the black and white processing.
I would consider adding a graduated ND filter in post processing to create a gradient sky.

Just my views though. Different people would have different taste.

Thanks for your point of view Shyama! :-)

Nice shot. I view it as a shape study - triangles - and i like it. The sand, rocks, water, sky, and posts work for me. (The seaweed doesn't.) The horizon placement just above center is just enough to add an edginess to the image which helps make it work. The sky is a bit bright, but the horizon line holds my eye from drifting up there.

Thanks for your lovely feedback Michael. I agree that the seaweed should have been removed.

Hi Mikkel,

I think I would move the horizon further up in the frame, as all your details and interest are in the lower part - it seems like a waste of space to have so much sky. As Bob said, simply lowering the camera and shooting more along the line of the wooden posts would give you greater perspective and sense of depth. Maybe a bit of dodging and burning around the rocks would also help them "pop" a little more and break up the midtones. Keep going in this direction though, it'll surely take you somewhere great!

Hi Stephen
I like your point of view as well as Bobs. I have to think twice about the motive when im shooting to get the best out of it.
Thanks for the feedback!

gorgeous shot, The filter adds an excellent effect!

Cheers Jayden! :-)

I really like it. If I was to take this shot I would have tried to put the horizon higher - at just above the thirds line - and reposition so that the waterline and the wooden posts both hit the corners of your image - like your waterline does here.
Nice edit with good mood

Thanks for the feedback Robert! Great point of view!