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Musashi Sakazaki's picture

Rocky Islands / CC

Hi Everyone, this is the rocky coastline along the Izu Peninsula of Japan. The weather was bad all day, but started to clear up just a bit when I took this shot. I used a 17-50mm F2.8 lens shot at 20mm for 0.8 seconds F3.5 ISO 200, with a 10-stop ND filter. Any comments or CC is appreciated! Thank you!

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amazing location. I'd love to see this shot with some more directional light. I bet at sunrise or sunset it would look amazing. Right now it looks a little "flat" from overcast light.

Oh man I wish the weather had been better. Unfortunately this place is about a 5 hour drive from home so I can't go there often, but next time, I will aim for more directional light! Thank you Lee!

Loving the Islands and the water. Looks like a place that has dinosaurs :)

Haha okay, I can see that!

Good eye! Yes, it was 3 degrees off. I've adjusted it. Thanks! I'll try this again with better light!
