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Paul Watt's picture

Photographers block

I seem to be struggling a bit lately, loads of near-misses etc. I think it's just the equivalent of writers block, but I'm not seeing it as a bad thing. The critiques I've been getting on here have been invaluable (thanks guys) and I've been reading lots about composition, lighting, post-processing techniques - basically going back to basics. It's not the end of the world and it's not stressing me out (frustrating though sometimes), I guess its just part of the journey!

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Yep...I think everyone that shoots regularly has periods when it just doesn't seem to come together and the passion erodes towards frustration. Everyone has probably had to work through such periods. With Landscapes and Nature photography it can be extra difficult if nature is not cooperating with light and weather once you have found the location (one of my biggest frustrations).
It sometimes takes a while for me to realize I'm just not seeing well and forcing to many shots. The best path to work through it for me is to find something fun, a group activity / class with other photographers, or exploration of a new location, usually close to home, and I focus on the experience. I'll have a camera along for the fun and almost every time some little magic moment occurs. ....and I start seeing well again.

I think it is part of the process. Sometimes what works for me is the 13 creative exercises from B&H photo
