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Tyler Newcomb's picture

Could you rate my photos?


Just wondering if anyone could check out my portfolio and rate my photos and leave feedback. That would be very much appreciated.


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Just did.
Hope I didn't come out very harsh.

A few quick tips since I can't write as much as I'd like since I have a shoulder injury.

1) Try to focus on 1-2 photography categories, find what you enjoy shooting the most and study, study, view, practice, study, study, practice, and repeat.
Is it landscape photography ?
Portraiture ?
Still life ?
Macro ?
Wildlife ?
Cityscapes ?
Architecture ?

Find what you "love" and read about it and practice afterwards.

2) Read a book on composition like Michael Freeman's "The Photographer's Eye".
It will make you a much better photographer.

Thanks Bill!

I appreciate the honesty and advice, I will try to narrow down my categories.

Hey Tyler, I just browsed through your images. All I can say is, practice, practice, practice! I'm not sure how long you've been taking photographs, but you're young and have a lot of time to dial in your artistic eye and style. I agree with Bill. Find out what you love to photograph, and shoot the heck out of it! It looks like you're into rock climbing and nature? Maybe try to get into adventure photography if you have the opportunities to go out and shoot your friends climbing or camping or whatever. Be very critical of your own photographs. Always ask yourself, would anyone want to look at this? Is this image interesting? Is this image too blurry, how is the composition, etc... If you really enjoy any single image you have taken, ask other photographers (like the ones here on Fstoppers), what they think of it. You will get harsh feedback sometimes, but you may also get some praise. Don't get discouraged, it's never personal. It's just others trying to help you see what they see, trying to help you improve on your craft.

Hey Kevin, thanks for all the feedback and advice! I will be practicing more specific areas, specifically nature and adventure (good guess!) Once again thank you for helping me out