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Tyler Newcomb's picture

Feedback and CC on some phoggy fotos

Just like the title says, I'd like to hear what I did right and wrong in the following images. Thanks.

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Hey Tyler. I like what you're doing here and there are some things I like, and some things I don't like.

I like your concept for the first image. The road and fence leading lines until the road turns the corner is a popular idea. I personally think it would have worked better if you stood a little more to your right and cropped out the car in the driveway and the mailbox. It's always important to think about what would be interesting for your viewers to see and what ends up getting in the way. I think the car and mailbox get in the way and don't add anything interesting to your image.

The only thing not working for me are the poles and lines, but unfortunately there is nothing you could do in this scene to get rid of them. I'd encourage you to keep experimenting with these ideas and concepts, and maybe try to find a lone tree on a hill in the fog (another popular concept), or maybe even going back certain scenes at different times of day or night. Last thing I'd say is get rid of your watermark. Watermarks are easy to crop out, and don't add anything to you image besides distracting your viewer with some word blobs in the corner.

Keep it up, don't give up, and shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot! Thanks for sharing, Tyler!

The first photo was actually at my bus stop before school. I'd been eyeing that shot for a while, but never knew what I wanted to do with it. When the fog was there I subconsciously knew that was what I had been waiting for! Unfortunately, I only had my cell phone on me, and the bus was coming, so I took the picture. I was waiting for the car to drive away, but it never did. I decided not to crop it out because the rail would be too centered, but do you think that would improve it?

Thanks for your advice, and Merry Christmas (if you celebrate, if not, happy holidays!)