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Andrei Diaconu's picture

Some CC on this?

I know this is not what one would call a landscape, but I couldn't think of another group to post it to. Anyway here it is:

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Based on the lighting in the image the door should be in shadow...yet it is not. Seems out of place and it distracts my eye. I'm not sure if this was reflected light or the processing just isn't right, but it is strange that the ground in front of the door is dark as expected.....your thoughts?

Hey Michael! Thanks for the comment! Yes the door is illuminated because I dodged it a little bit with a brush. I thought the image was too dull so I wanted to make it more interesting!

OK...kinda thought that's what was up. Include all the surfaces facing the same direction as the door and foreground in your brush strokes and see if you can get the overall light balanced so it draws the eye in and not be distracting. It is a shot of unique buildings so I'd give it a go...

Thanks for the advice, I will surely give it a go!