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Marco Alves's picture

When sharks come out and play

Like to have some comments in regards to my latest beach/sunset shot.


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Beautiful shot! What is your setup? :)
Well balanced composition in my opinion.

Thanks Mikkel. I shot this on my Canon, with a 16-35mm lens at 35mm, ISO 50 and f8. I also used a 4 stop Formatt -Hitech filter to slow down my shutter to try and smooth out the water. I used 3 exposures (-1 Sky, +1 foreground and +2 water) blended in manually in Photoshop.

Thanks for the info! Did you use the bracket function on the camera for the 3 exposures?
And again, well done! Too bad Denmark doesnt have rock formations like this at the coast lines :)

Yes, I used the in camera function with a 5 exposure setup. Once again thanks for the support.

You're welcome man!

HI Marco (or others),
what are the advantages/disadvantages of blending the images manually rather than using the HDR feature in Lightroom or using something like Photomatix?

Blending manually assures that lightroom won't think some elements are meant to be exposed differently, for example the white in the foreground could be darkened because lightroom prefers the more midtone gray to white.
He also says that was three exposures, so lightroom would likely assume the rocks should be brighter, which would subtract from the mood and drama of the image.
These are just my assumptions however, I don't have much practice in either.

Hi Tris, Tyler explained the advantages of manually blending exposures very well, and also, you have full control of what you need to blend into your image, for instance, I took 5 exposures but ended up only using 3, -1 exposure to recover the blown out areas in the sun, +1 over exposed file as my base layer where i could recover the shadows and +2 to blend in a more/less smooth water. If you want to learn more about this technique I would suggest watching Elia Locardi's tutorials. Cheers

Perks of knowing a bit of programing and a bit of editing is i can make really good guesses about them ;)

Beautiful shot and spectacular composition

Thank you Tyler

Love the shot Marco. I love the repeating rock formations. You did a nice job blending the images.

Thanks for the support Mike

Love this! Great composition

Thanks Dexter

Beautiful, I love the tones! Where was this shot? :)

Thanks Andrea. This shot was taken in Portugal, its a small beach called Adraga beach close to the town of Sintra.

Hope life gets me there one day :) it´s beautiful

Beautiful shot, great composition, fantastic work with the blending.

Thanks Ger