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Scot Steenson's picture

Round Barn

Practicing a few things here. Lightroom and structures with a background. Feedback on improvement is welcome!

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Hi Scot
I'm not sure if I'm correct, but your photo looks a bit noisy. Did you take it during twilight hour with high ISO?
The red colour of the barn looks a bit unnatural as well, did you satuate it with lightroom to make it pop?

I really like the structure of the barn, but there's to many objects in your photo that distracts my eye. The background with the haze and trees left to the Barn. The tree just in front of the barn to the right of the entrance. The small bush down in the left corner.

I hope you can use some of it :-)


Yes, light was low with a high ISO.

Yes, I did saturate it. With one exposure, I couldn't draw out the foreground color. Any advice on how to do better?

Thank you for your input!

Hi Scot.
Firstly, the image looks to be a bit of a snapshot and kinda crowded. The barn certainly has potential, given its unique shape and structure, and the light is good, but like i said, there is no real composition or emotional or drama. Sorry, hope this helps

That helps a lot! Thank you.

What a unique find! I'm thinking it's been a little over recovered in lightroom. It looks a bit noisy as was mentioned by others, and that's probably a combination of trying to recover the foreground due to the backlighting and shooting a higher ISO. Gorgeous barn, and I know how hard it can be to capture these structures, especially in area with lots of other structures around.

Yeah, it's definitely unique! Thank you for your input.