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Paul Watt's picture

Beach shot this morning

I'm kinda "hmmmmm" about this image. There was nothing going on in the sky (flat blue) so I deliberately blew it out hoping that i could make it negative space rather than blank space but I'm not sure if I pulled it off or not. Your thoughts and CC warmly welcomed as usual.

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Ni Paul,
I like the shot. Simplicity is OK in my book. I like the flow marks off the small rock in the foreground. On my screen there is a solid black item (rock?) on the lower right which I find a distraction. Looks like you had a good start to the day.

Thanks Mike. Yep, as far as days go this one started out just fine! I was umming and ahhing about that rock you mentioned, I think I'll take it out. Cheers!

Hey Paul
I do like the simplicity of the shot.
I just feel like the bright white in the sky somehow steals the attention from the great lines around the rocks.
I'm thinking that if you would make the sky dark (from dark blue) and brighten the rest a bit you might get a little more attention one the rocks and the beautiful lines around them. (But I'm not sure if that works)

And agree with Michael, the Item down in the right is a little bit distracting.

But still a nice shot (;