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Bill Jonscher's picture

Sundown, St. John in the USVI

I shot this in 1992 on St. John in the US Virgin Islands. The year before Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines had erupted and spewed out an enormous cloud of volcanic material that had world-wide effects on the weather. One of the results was the spectacular colors of sunrises and sunsets in tropical latitudes for the next few years. I shot this on a tripod with Kodachrome 64 slide film at about f/16 with a polarizer to help with a relatively long exposure time to smooth out the sea and saturate the colors.

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Beautiful photo Bill. I really like it!

Thank you very much.

Wow - love it! What camera did you use? Any more info on exposure times etc?

I used a Minolta X-700 with a 35mm lens. I believe the exposure time was around 6 to 10 seconds.

Thanks Bill! Love this shot.