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Paul Watt's picture

Portsmouth Guildhall

Hi all,
Please could I have some CC on this? I was hoping for loads of foot traffic for some ghostly figures moving around, but there was only the odd one or two people walking past so I thought it would be best without any people in it at all. Your thoughts and cc are warmly welcomed as usual :)

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Not much to point out - a well done long exposure and good choice to make it B&W.

It looks like it's a bit heavier in the right side? Or maybe it's just because you havn't been exactly in the center in front of the building :)

Thanks Mikkel. I was kicking myself when I got home because I realised that if I'd been set up about 6 inches to the left I would have been dead center. Details Paul, details.... lol

You're welcome Paul - you will get it next time! :)
I do the same small mistakes sometimes, happens to all of us!