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Charlie Waltho's picture

Why Aren't They Sharp?!

Hey all, I would love some criticism on these shots. Also they don't look sharp to me, I know the originals are so I guess its something to do with the way I'm uploading them? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Hi Charlie,

Try the below for sharpness:

Convert your photo to sRGB colour space.
Apply sharpeness after you resize the image to export.

Don't resize after sharpening.

Thank you Shyama, however thats what I have tried but still no look? Great Photos man!

Thank you! What size do you use for Exporting on Fstoppers?

I use 3000px on longer edge and it generally works fine for me.

I will have a play around today and see what I can do, thanks again!

Hi Charlie,
The images come across sharp enough. I expect most of the CC you'll get is on composition and maybe technique if its needed. I see the third image as the strongest..the sky makes it a photograph. The first two are more like everyday snaps of the scene IMHO. One CC on the composition - you could have gotten really low and close to the water to get the entire lighthouse in reflection. The foreground sand would be gone and with that great sky, I think it could be real special - just something to think about for next time.

Awesome thanks mike, ill keep it in mine for next time!

Have you checked your lens for front or back focusing? I recently adjusted mine after experiencing focusing and shrapness issues.

They are all good, the images are perfectly sharp on my computer just not when I upload them. I think its more the resolution. Thanks

Is that from the Netherlands?

About sharpness, they look fine to me. I probably would have straightened the lighthouse a little bit, placed it a little more to the right and got a little more sky. But I like the shot overall, the sky is fantastic. In the black and white one, I'd boost contrast a bit, to make it a tad more dramatic and take some white back in. I love both shots though! Can't help with the sharpness though.