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Brandon DuBois's picture

The Wanaka Tree (My best impression of Elia)

I was super excited after watching the Landscape tutorial from FStoppers and Elia to know that I was going to most of the places on the New Zealand portion while on my honeymoon. I took the opportunity yesterday morning to catch the sunrise over Lake Wanaka and The Wanaka Tree. The colors in the sky were absolutely amazing. Pinks, oranges, blues, it was constantly changing. I was able to capture this shot and then promptly head back to our RV and do some editing with the tips I learned in the tutorial to come up with these results. I can't wait to get home and get this one printed!!

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Great photo!

Cangrats Brandon! On the shot and your wedding! Getting up early on the honeymoon...hmmmm. I guess setting expectations right off isn't such a bad idea!

This is a great shot - congrats!

Beautiful capture. The tree is a bit dark, you could change the exposure a bit and then make the tree more of a focus point. The colors are lovely and the long exposure is well handled.

Awesome capture! Cant wait to photograph it one day.

That's a fantastic shot!