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Dexter Robinson's picture

More Brecon - CC please!

Hi all,

Took a friend up to Brecon for a day in a mate's sporty BMW & managed to snap off this quick shot in the bitter cold. Played with the crop, added Classic Chrome film preset, an ND graduated filter and lightened the trees. Any CC appreciated!

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Sorry, but it looks a snapshot to me.

It lacks a clear subject. No foreground element to add depth.
The sky is also flat. The trees are too dark at places and lack details.

Please do not think I am trying to discourage you.
Just my honest feedback.

Not at all - asked for CC!

The day was pretty grey so I wasn't too sure what else I could change with the sky. I tried to keep the tones pretty muted as that's how it looked on the day but I guess I could pull some more details out of the trees. Still pretty new to digital so appreciate your feedback!

Hi Dexter,
My take on the shot is the light was just not right for this shot and the cloud cover is to close in tone to the snow covered hills. The crop is fine. Adding a foreground element with better light would make the shot stronger.

Thanks for the feedback Mike. You're probably right, it was a pretty dull and grey day interspersed with random bursts of sunlight. Had I caught one of those in the shot it might have added what's missing! I'll just have to head back up into the hills soon.

Hi Dexter,
I pretty much agree with what the others have said. I think however, that if you were to shoot it again with the light hitting the front of that hill and shoot a long exposure (if it's a windy day, I'd aim for around 30 seconds) you'd get a much more interesting image. Smooth water, nice tonal contrasts with contrasting textures and lines.

Hi Paul, thanks for the reply. You're right, I'll have to pick up an ND filter and head back up!