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Andrea Torselli's picture

Using some tips from Elia's tutorial

I have a specific love for wide angle pictures, and to show human scale in them. I was at this place a couple of days ago and got to shot this image, which is a single expo, 15 seconds. This place is awesome by the way. So, I had been very busy for the last couple of months and until today got a time to do some post processing. So, the thing is I was trying some of the basic info Elia gave in the first lesson (yup I'm still in lesson 1), and did this, which is actually very much how I usually do my post processing, but it was easier with the tips. Any comments or critique welcomed.

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the scenery seems nice.
But 15 seconds? The water will blur in much less than that. Was there so less light? Then try to show it a little more.

The other thing there is... you have so much "dead space" around the actual subject. Try to crop in such that the hole in the rock is to the lower right and those great rock formations in the upper left corner are in the picture. At least that's what I would've tried.

The processing in terms of contrast, light, shadows etc. are well done.

For me the waterfall looks like light coming in through the ceiling :)
So perhaps try a second approach and darken the image such that it looks like it is some light beams?

Nice work! Must've been an amazing trip!

actually, it is light, not a waterfall.... these are caverns. :)