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Mikkel Beiter's picture

Sunset on the Uttakleiv Beach

Hi everyone

Could I have some critique/feedback for the following image that I took last week in Lofoten.

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nice one !! m i seeing some purple in the edge of the mountains left side ??

Yes and I can't seem to get rid of it :/ Any suggestions?

I pushed the tint towards green in LR and it seems to remove it so probably you can duplicate the layer and just mask the edges in PS

Hmm I thought I already had tried that, strange :) Well thanks mate, I'll try to see if it changes the situation regarding the edge of the mountain.
I don't have PS, so I have to stick to LR.

good luck (y)

Thanks! :)

I like the shot, but its not a portfolio piece.

Sorry for being harsh, but I have seen better photos from you. :)

These are the things that do not work for me:

The horizon is almost at the middle of the frame.
Generally I will put the horizon on upper or lower third of the frame.

The placement of horizon creates too much of negative space, and the clouds are not dramatic enough to justify the negative space, in my view. (Something beyond your control)

Not sure, if it was possible to walk couple of stones further into the frame.
I can see a big stone at the middle of the frame, but its too far out.
That could have been an interesting mid-ground element. (Again not sure, if it was possible and safe to walk further)

No clear subject, so my eye bounces between different rocks. :)

For removing Purple CR, check out the video from Jimmy McIyntre:


Thanks for the detailed feedback. Really usefull!
It's the only way that I can upload photos here on the site. There's something wrong with the upload function when creating a new thread in the community area. I have already notified the FStopper team but they cant figure where the problem lies..

So, that's why it's in my portfolio :)
I'm still in the learning area regarding photography or fine tune my methods, so thanks for pointing out the areas that doesnt work.
I could have walked a bit closer to the big rock, but then I would have to turn the angle of the camera more to the right, which would create even more deadspace because you would loose the mountain and instead have a lot more horizon, sea and clouds.

Thanks for the video! I think I have to get on learning PS ;)

I did not intend to say, it should not be part of your portfolio here.

In general for your website, its not a master piece.
i understand that each uploaded picture has to be part of the portfolio on Fstoppers.

Good going. Keep up the good work. :)

Ah okay, now I understand :-) Thanks!

What do you think about this re-edited version?

I like the new one.

The colour cast is gone and CR is les noticable now.
Try dodging and burning a bit.

The light is still flat across the frame.

Well done my friend. :)

Thanks for your great help! :)