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Rachel Clarke's picture

Down under colour

I'm not one for editing landscapes as much as I have done so in this one but as it was shot in quite bright light I wanted to show the colours seen at this location at sunset, unable to visit here in the golden hours so editing was necessary, any thoughts appreciated. Composition and pov is not ideal I am fully aware but the colours are my main concern. Tia

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Have done a camping tour from Ularu to Broome last year (commercial, no say in the schedule) I can really share your problem with time of day etc... I think you've worked wonders with this image, it really carries the feel of that country and the amazingly saturated reds. Did you notice the light patterns in the foreground almost form Australia in outline.
I can see at least 3 more crops for this, a pano from the top 1/4, an almost square of the top two thirds and some more exploration of the foreground 1/3rd.
Have Fun - Peter Cotton

Thank you so much Peter, I will try those crops you suggest, and I didn't notice the lower resembled Australia until you mentioned it, it sometimes takes third party observation to see more than what the photographer sees.
I would love to revisit this location at sunset with ND and wide angle one day.
Thankyou for your feedback.