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Erik Thorvaldsen's picture

Need Criticism

I am a landscape photographer and I would like some help on how to improve. If you could please give me some useful feedback it would be great.
Thanks in advance.

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Wow, love these rocks! My crit would be that you've got a lot going on in the rocks but the sky is pretty boring, so I think you could have framed or cropped less sky. I also feel that the shot lacks much dynamic range, the rock formation in the middle looks like its being lit by some nice warm light so it should be glowing and contrasting to the shadow parts but its almost hard to see where the shadow and the sunlight meet. It looks like you have pushed up your shadows and pulled down you highlights and the image has lost that pop.

Thank you rob! I really appreciate the feedback and now I can see what you mean. I tried to increase the contrast to show more of a pop in the rock formation which is still in the soft sunlight and use a tighter crop to show more textures and less sky.

I agree with the tighter crop, or add drama to the sky. I'd also like to see this as a black and white. The color tones might do wonders in monochrome.

Thanks for the feedback Mike. I appreciate your time.

I like the shot, but the foreground looks flat and a little dark. You've got some wonderful colours and textures in those rocks, they just need pulling out of the image. An increase in dynamic range, in particular in the midtones will help give the image some punch. Some selective dodging and burning will also help carve out the larger textures.

Thanks Stephen. I cropped a bit closer and tried to increase the dynamic range thru contrast increases. I will work on my dodging and burning techniques.