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Dave Ferguson's picture

A memory of past storms

Last night, a huge storm hit the Gaspé region in eastern Canada where I live. Normally during a downpour I would stay home, but I decided to tell my girlfriend, ''hey let's go storm hunting'', And off we went ! Being in the downpouring rain, I had to find a solution to capture the lightning. So i setup my Nikon D750 with my Gitzo tripod in the backseat of my car, @f5.6, iso 400, bulb mode, connected VIA wifi to my cellphone to trigger. It was a driveby setup as I had to park sideways into a driveway and place the angle by being contorsionist to get to the backseat. ( Here is the setup! https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13781951_1758341247714679_2307198... )

With the angle i was trying to get a powerful image of the statue looking out into a powerful storm !

Here is an explanation of the giant statue in my hometown !

At the tip of the Gaspé , Gaspé, Birthplace of Canada , was born an inspiring and unifying project . For some time now, a group of citizens and citizens , representing the First Nations and the French and English communities , working with the Musée de la Gaspésie to offer an ambitious legacy to the Gaspé population and , why not, the country ... : a sculpture women of our history, women in our lives!

The project's objectives

· Honoring women's memory, from all sources, which marked and mark each page of our lives.

· Illustrate the contribution of women in the history of our territory.

· Recognize the art and cultural history of communities.

· Leave a legacy for present and future generations .

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