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Matthias Dengler's picture

FEEDBACK? My first Milky Way shot.

Hi everyone,

as I have never captured nor edited the night sky before, especially not the Milky Way, I would like to get feedback on this shot.
And please tell me, if you think its worth adding to my portfolio? (http://snapshopped.com)
It has not been shot in perfect conditions - I know I should wait for new moon, but at new moon it was always cloudy.

Cheers mates,
be honest!


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I love doing Milky Way photos and I've done several with trial and error lessons along the way. This image is a good start but it's not what I'd use for a portfolio yet. Before I give my CC, I'll just say that some of the criticism you'll get on this site will be brutal. But some of the most brutal critics here don't have very good work of their own, so you don't need to lose any sleep over their comments. If you like my work, take my comments for what they are worth. (www.surreal-images.com)

1. The glowing tent thing has been done a great deal, so I'd look for something different as foreground if you want the image to stand out as unique. The first time I saw one I thought "wow!". Now I've seen so many that I think, "Oh no, not another one".

2. More sky would be good along with a less cluttered horizon. It's hard to tell if there are rocks, trees, or a combination of both in the background. I try to apply a lesson Ansel Adams learned in his later years. He usually made much more sky than foreground which gives the illusion of large, grand, open landscapes. Big sky can have big impact.

3. To enhance the stars a steep curves adjustment along with a change in color temperature would them pop. There are several great tutorials on youtube to demonstrate good settings to start with. Then play around with some settings for your own unique look.

Thanks for sharing the image. Like I said before you are off to a good start.

John, thank you so much for your criticism and the time you invested to write this answer. I really appreciate it! I checked out your website and concerning the Milky Way you have real boss pictures. Great stuff! I'm asking for criticism to get better, not to be praised. So it's good if criticism is brutal, if it has a constructive base. And your feedback definitely was. So thank you very much. I'll try to keep that in mind! Have a great day!

You know I really love this shot. I take a look at it and I see the green tent and I then I focus on the awesome milky way behind it. I like the way you edited the stars. I do a lot of astro work and I just feel like this shot is more original. I feel like the colors and the look of the tent is great. I would add it to your portfolio.