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Leif Hegdal's picture

Oslo sunset

Shot this yesterday about sunset, that now is at 4:10 pm. The sun is almost behind the horizon. I used a Lee Filter litte stopper to extend exposure time and a 0.9ND grad filter to even the exposure needed for the whole frame. I did some shots in a bay but moved out of it right before the sun went down and took this.
In Lightroom I have edited it a bit, increased light in some areas and pushed some of the colours a bit to get more the mood I experienced the moment had.

As I write in the header this is taken right outside Oslo, the capitol of Norway. Seeing this no one would think it is taken outside a metropolian area with close to 1.5 million people.

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Hi Leif, I have to say that I find the light in the sky, as well as the reflection in the water, very effective. What I don't really like is the strong reddish tonality of the foreground rocks: even the snow is not white but pink.
This could be corrected or, at least, mitigated in post production I think. Moreover, in my opinion, the foreground is to dominant here in term of composition.
Thanks for sharing

Hi Stefano
Thank you for your feedback