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John Atkinson's picture

Cama Beach

This was shot with a Nikon D40 and a Nikkor 18-55 on a little beach out in Camano Island, WA. A little dodge and burn this is how it turned out.

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Good morning! I noticed that nobody came to your aid for critiquing and constructive criticism. So, I'll just say this, because in all honesty, the link I'm about to share you (feat. Steve McCurry), could easily take a whole year (approx. 2-3 semesters) of study and practice. Indeed, there are more compositions than the few listed in the link, but this should give you an idea of what to go out and look for in the world around you. Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Recompose your subjects over and over and over...SIMPLE backgrounds are key when first starting out. Well, I hope this helps, cheers!


...as far as your image is concerned, do you have any other images with a clear subject and none of this negative space or obtrusive objects on either side of the frame? It looks like your subject was the stone in the water, and the landscape beyond, but I'd suggest looking through your images for another. The image is also very flat and the color management is off. Your exposure is under a touch, maybe a 1/2 stop of missing light information (shadows, highlights). I'm also having a hard time finding a neutral gray...this image would be best laid aside and perhaps you have another one that similar to this one, maybe shot from a different angle? Cheers~

I do not have another, but I really do appreciate those points you made. I am just getting in to this so any help is gladly excepted so thank you for your help.

You're very welcome. There's a TON of resources on YouTube, i.e. Phlearn, Scot Kelby, etc. There's always room for improvement, including my own work, all the time...practice gets us closer, indeed~