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Peter Nestler's picture

Ship Wreck

Shot this at Fort Stevens state park in Oregon. Used a 4 minute long exposure to get the cloud streaks. Also shot an earlier one with the sunset. CC is welcome.

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Thanks! Wasn't expecting much when I was out shooting, but ended up with a couple great shots.

Hi Peter.
Two well composed images. The first is my favorite. Butim also a sucker for long exposure. What I would have done different, arr lifting the shadows a bit, and see if it's possible to add some warm, in the first picture.

I played around with the color temperature and exposure on the ship, but boosting it much more started looking too fake. I really fell in love with the cold temperature of the shot and almost finalized it as a b/w. Thanks for your input!

I like them both! If it were me, I'd lose the right side of the second shot and crop in so the sun is framed and bring out any warm glow you can on the edges of that structure.

Love the clouds in the first shot! There is some sensor dust to clean up. If you use Lightroom it is easy to find them all with the spot removal tool and checking "Visualize Spots"

I have never liked Lightroom so I didn't bother installing it on my laptop. That is one feature that may be useful. I got most of the large sensor spots, but obviously missed a couple.

I like them both but my fav is definitely the first. Love the mood and long exposure. Great job!

Thanks Crystal! I am with you on liking the first one better.

Really enjoy this Peter.

Hi Peter
Love the first one. I might have pushed the exposure a bit in post.
For the second one, I'm wondering what would be the result of having the sun behind the biggest part of the ship.
Nice shots.