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Matthijs Bettman's picture

Adding persons to your photos

What do you think about adding models in your landscape photos? I think it adds something extra (in a positive way), when photographing grand vistas! It creates depth and you can relate how big everything is in the photo

Anyway, what is your opinion?

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I love a human element in a landscape - my wife compliments many of my landscape images - but I guess it depends on the objective of the photo. The human mind is geared to notice and recognise other humans so they will always be the focus of any such image.

You just have to be careful when shooting at wide angles not to put your subject too near the edges, otherwise the results will be less than flattering ;oD

I have not experimented with it all that often - most times I only do it if my subject is not strong enough to stand on its own or if there is no obvious subject. With that being said, I think adding a human element into a shot can really help with showing the scale of the subject. In this case, I may have had the person sitting down more towards the center of the center of the frame, shooting from a higher angle so that she appears smaller with the canyon showing up as a very large, deep subject.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for your comment! I asked her to sit down, but she was a bit afraid to do so. I agree with you that it would be an even stronger image.

Editorial note. Photos. No apostrophe for a plural word. Vistas. If you say vista's... my natural inclination is to chuckle and ask... the vista's what? Location?

Proper grammar in our write-ups is as important as proper lighting and composition in our photographs. Especially if one is a professional hoping to get jobs.

Ok. Back to photography. For me... depends on the location. The mood. What I want the photo to communicate to my audience. Whether I want to shoot a "travel" shot, or a pure landscape image.

Thank you for the grammar corrections :) English isn't my first language. In dutch it's normal to write it like this. I think that's were the confusion is coming from.

I agree about the proper grammar is as important as the image.

I have added a photo which I think is a better example of what I mean by adding a person to a photo. What do you think of the second image?

a much better use! really shows the massive size of the castle - really like the image :)

I agree with Cody. Great perspective. Nicely done.