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Adeel Jawed's picture

C&C requested

Hello group members,

I am looking for some feedback regarding my post processing. What am I missing? Where did I go overboard? How can I make this image better?


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I like the treeline and the way the water have been processed. I find the sky to be blown out (likely due to the long exposure), and while I assume the rock at the bottom was included as foreground interest, I don't feel that its interesting enough to be included in the scene (let alone take up half the frame between rock and water).

I would crop it into a landscape (or use a landscape version if available), and only have 1/3 water (at most), and the remaining 2/3 be trees/mountain/sky. If you have a second exposure for the sky that has some detail in the highlights, it would fix the blown out portion. For the mountain, I would focus on increasing micro-contrast in the rock textures (dehaze filter as an example), and maybe reduce some of the magenta hues in the mountain sky.

It is a nice image, but there are some distractions that take away from central subject of the photograph. My $0.02 and look forward to seeing more!


Awesome! thanks for the detailed response Chris.

Dear Adeel,
it's a great image - it must have been a wonderful place to be at! Your image carries the feeling of calm of the lake and enormity of the mountain.

CC: I agree with Chris about the sky. It is high-dynamic range situation, which is very hard to get in one exposure. Since there is little movement, you could take two or three shots with different exposure settings and blend in PS.

I also agree with Chris that the the rock is distracting. Cropping 1/3 from the bottom with bring the mountain to 1/3-2/3 range of the picture and lock viewer's attention to it as you, probably, wish.

If you still can access the location, you could try to take shot from the lower level. This will make open water surface between the rock and mountain narrower. The rock and the mountain might then be more in harmony.

Just thoughts, thanks for sharing a great image!

Thanks Leonid, much appreciated.