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Chris Ward's picture

Little Hunter's Beach

I set the tripod up on the loose rocks of Little Hunter's Beach in Acadia National Park before sitting down on some deadwood waiting for the perfect shot. The beach itself can be very different between high and low tides, which offered something different every time we checked it out. The one thing that remained constant was the rushing sound of the small rounded pebbles cascading back towards the ocean as the waves receded. Each new crash of a wave was quickly followed by several seconds of these small rocks rolling back down into the ocean. It was an incredibly relaxing afternoon, and that soundtrack will stick with me forever.

Acadia National Park, ME

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Peaceful image and I know the sounds you speak of from the Washington coast. Thanks for sharing

Its crazy how you can hear something similar on most rock beaches, but get to that one special spot, and the volume and loudness of it completely surrounds you and draws you in! I was out on the Oregon coast last spring, but still need to make my way up into Washington State to photograph some of the amazing land and seascapes you have there!

Likewise I would love to get up to Acadia as I’ve never been there