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Joel V's picture

Matterhorn (Switzerland)

I spent some time in Zermatt last week but unfortunately I wasn't lucky with the weather. Most of the time it was snowing and Matterhorn was covered with clouds. However, from time to time a small window opened and I was able to get a shot. As the original picture was really flat (due to the weather) I pimped it up a little by adding more drama to it and work out the clouds.

Any thoughts how I could have edited it different? I'm still not completely happy with it ;-) Attached you see the original picture and the edited one.

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I like the composition of the shot (you cannot go wrong with the Matterhorn anyway :-). I tend to like the unprocessed version more in that I would try to make more of a high-key image out of this to emphasise the bright mood

Thanks Jeroen for your input. As I understood you right, you mean something like this?

In my opinion that looks much better and would make for a really nice print! I could even imagine a yet brighter version. If this image is a crop, maybe you can "un-crop" a bit on the right to have some more breathing space there, but that is just a tiny detail. All in all a great detail shot 👍

Thanks a lot for the constructive inputs! I will print this one out soon.

Jeroen is right, the unedited version with a slight high key push will do the job.

Thanks Valdo. I attached a new file to the comment from Jeroen.

The mood is much better in the brighter one. Nice capture.

Thanks for your input Tanay! I will go on and print the brighter one soon :-)