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TANAY DAS's picture

Like to have your thoughts.

I have just started learning the basic of photography. Any idea about how I could have improved the image overall with the composition and editing will be a great help.

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Tanay, as starting point not bad. For composition rules and ideas I can sugest to study some of Michael Freeman books.

thank you so much

I like the colors of the 2nd pic. I wish I could offer some advice but, I'm pretty new to photography as well. Keep up the good work

Thank u so much sir.

This is a tough one! Your lower values have gone dark. No detail, etc.. Composition is very good and exposure in the higher values is very good.

Perhaps two photos: one exposed for the light and one exposed for the shadows, and then some blending of the two would work.

Thank you so much. Will work on that. Thank you once again since i am learning a lot from this community.

Hi ! What I would suggest is watching Jimmy McIntyre's many videos about landscape editing, I learned a ton from him. Also look up Thomas Heaton for composition and general photography inspiration.

As for your image, you are facing a contrast problem as you shot directly into the sun : the sky will either be blown out or the foreground will be dark. To counter this, a manual exposure blending in Photoshop could work wonders.

If you have only the single exposure, I would advice to re-edit it and begin by finding a well balanced exposure. Then lower the Highlights and increase the Darks. Once done, go into Photoshop and do Jimmy McIntyre's "fake HDR technique" (on Youtube) which will help bring back dynamic range.

From that point, you can work on your contrast again with a Curves or Levels adjustment layer, color grading and sharpening. Be wary that your vignetting is quite hard and not subtle right now.

Good luck !

Thank you so much. I try this and post the image again.