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TANAY DAS's picture

Any idea how I can improve this image

constructive critique required

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From the shooting, I would move a bit to the left to get rid of the fourth rock (the one on the left) from the frame. Three is a magical number for photography.
I don't know about the diaphragm, but the foreground for me looks like it could use more sharpness.
From post-processing itself it looks great to me.

Thank You Marcin, I will definitely work on your suggestions.

You're welcome. I actually like the picture as it is, but you asked for trouble. ;)

Beautiful image. Love the texture and colors. I don't know if it's possible to change your angle a bit and have more depth between the left and right rock (as in turning your camera more to the right while shooting more from the left). That would cut off the rock on the left edge and maybe even add more texture to the sand on the bottom left corner. Really a beautiful image though.

Thank you so much. There were a lot of rocks in both the sides, I actually removed them using the content-aware tool. What should have been better is I think to be a bit close to the rocks. That would have brought the textures much prominent. :P

Nice colour - I'd crop the clouds at the very top as they're distracting and remove the far left rock and bring up the middle exposure a little. I also cropped it to 3x2 - not ideal as you need a little more sand around the rocks at the bottom but you get the idea.

Thank you so much, this is great

No worries at all

I would also get rid of the very small rock in the center. It distracts from the forground rocks.